Dr. Paula A. Price, Chief Apostle
Prophetic-Ed Founder
Think Differently, Live Powerfully.
Omni Executive Services
Areas of Specialization
- Executive Coaching
- Ministry
- Leadership
- Soul Restoration
- Politics & Government
- Career & Professional Development
- Marriage Construction & Restoration
- Executive Coaching
- Strategic Planning & Situational Response
- Professional Development
- Ministry Development
- Personal Development
- Soul Restoration Coaching

How Do I Know Which Service is Right For Me?
At Paula Price Success Center, we know that seeking prophetic guidance for the first time can be intimidating. Â Here is a snapshot of our core services, to help you decide.
Executive Leadership Coaching
Ministry Leadership Coaching
Ministry Marriage Coaching
Team Retreats
Executive Crisis Intervention
Executive Strategic Planning
Spiritual Covering & Guidance
1 on 1 Executive Leadership Training
Still not sure? Let’s Chat
How It Works

Choose from our list of qualified and experienced apostle and prophet advisors.

Check your email often, and follow the confirmation link to pay for your session.

Choose an available date and time, based on the availability of your selected advisor.

You’ll receive call information about how to connect with your advisor.
About Dr. Paula A. Price
Paula A. Price is a strong and widely acknowledged international voice on the subject of apostolic and prophetic ministry. She is recognized as a modern-day apostle with a potent prophetic anointing. Active in full-time ministry since 1985, she has founded and established three churches, Kingdom Embassy University, Flaming Vision Consultation, a spiritual advocacy and consulting firm Omni Executive Services, and New Era Apostleship Restitution (N.E.A.R.). Dr. Price also hosts the television show, Taking It On with Paula Price, where she tackles relevant and often controversial kingdom and global issues.
As a former sales and marketing executive, Dr. Price effectively blends ministerial and entrepreneurial applications in her ministry to enrich and empower a diverse audience with the skills and abilities to take kingdoms for the Lord Jesus Christ. Although she has written over 25 books, manuals, and other course material on the apostolic and prophetic, she is most recognized for her unique 1,600-term Prophet’s Dictionary the Ultimate Guide to Supernatural Wisdom, and her concise prophetic training manual entitled The Prophet’s Handbook.
Other releases include The ABC’s of Apostleship, Divine Order for Spiritual Dominance, Eternity’s Generals, and When God Goes Silent: Living Life Without God’s Voice. Additional publications include Before the Garden: God’s Eternal Continuum, The ABC’s of Apostleship 2: Discipling Apostolic Christians, Constructing the Contemporary Prophet, God’s Apostle Revived, Biblical Prophetics, The Five- Fold Ministry Offices, The Gambler’s Faith, Prophecy: God’s Divine Communications, and 3D: Distress to Success.
Dr. Price serves as the Chief Apostle of The Congregation of the Mighty in Bixby, OK. In addition to her vast experience, Dr. Price has a D.Min. and a Ph.D. in Religious Education from Word of Truth Seminary in Alabama.
Services Offered by Dr. Price

Executive Leadership Coaching
(Application Required)

Ministry Leadership Coaching
(Application Required)

Ministry Marriage Coaching
(Application Required)

Team Retreats
(Application Required)

Executive Crisis Intervention
(Application Required)

Executive Strategic Planning
(Application Required)

Spiritual Covering and Guidance
(Application Required)

1 on 1 Executive Leadership Training
(Application Required)

God's Voice is Central
We execute our mandate by offering services online and onsite to local communities, businesses, ministries and other institutions that place God’s voice at the center of it all.
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The Paula Price Success Center