Divine Communication Methods
The prophetic methods and practices used by our group are in accordance with the authorized Bible’s biblical standards as set forth in God’s word. They are the very ones demonstrated by His founding holy prophets, apostles, prophetic messengers, general ministers and other divine representatives. See 1 Corinthians 12:28, 29, Ephesians 2:20, 3:5, 4:11, 2 Peter 3:2. We use the phrase ‘divine communications’ to mean any response or reaction by God to our petitions and prayer overtures.
How We Process Prophetic Communications
Prophetic communications are divinely inspired by God and relayed to His servants, the prophets, through spiritual transmissions under the auspices of the Holy Spirit. These should be processed carefully and deliberatively through prayer and counsel with the Lord. Due to the predictive and revelatory nature of the prophetic, not all information provided will be confirmation or affirmation. However, it should be both biblically and spiritually sound as well as credible.
True prophetic communications distinguish themselves by a sublime wisdom not normally or easily acquired by humans. Some prophetic elements revealed will gain immediate attestation through life situations and events, and this takes time. That makes patience a key requirement for prophecy fulfillment. Other elements may be marked for a future time or season for its manifestation or performance. Recall the counsel in the Proposal’s Rationale. Consequently, it should be understood that prophetic intelligence or prophecy might not always apply to existing situations and circumstances. Its “before-hand knowledge” means the conditions and occasions foreseen by prophetics have yet to appear in literal form or physically manifest to would accredit a particular prophetic prediction or revelation in the moment, or even the short term future.
For these reasons, it is important for recipients of prophetic information to avoid prematurely judging the validity of a prophet’s message or the messenger, and resist the temptation to draw rash conclusions based on the here and now or a limited view of the future. Prophecy judgment should be reserved until sufficient evidence has proven a message or messenger is false according to biblical criteria and not subjective opinion. God can perform His word in a day or decade. All times and seasons are in His hand, and He will not make us ashamed for waiting on Him. (See Acts 1:7; Isaiah 49:23) Here is why this proposal strongly urges organization orientation. It is to assure all parties view and demand of prophecy and spiritual wisdom and intelligence according to how it works and not how it is needed.
Prophetic Elements Employed:
Prophecy – God’s Divine Communication Media. What makes it prophecy is that God speaks it to His prophets before the earthy events in question occur (Term 1061)[i]
Dreams – Prophetic dreams are dreams had by a prophet or one that is not a prophet. They are indicative of prophesy because of their predictive or revelatory implications. Prophetic dreams serve the discrete purpose of being divine and spiritual communication vehicles. See Genesis 20:3 Prophetic dreams impart visions, deposit God’s words, or establish a spiritual truth. They are often uses as precursors to a move of God and confirm something He has just done in the spirit realm that has yet to appear in physical form. (Term 1117)[ii]
Visions – The ability to see the events or manifestation of the supernatural world while awakened and with one’s elevated natural faculties. Genesis 15:1; Isaiah 1:1; Daniel 9:23 (Term 1579)[iii]
Prophetic Interpretation – The Prophet’s ability to make symbols and parables of God plain to their hearers to reveal what God has said in visions, dream, symbols, or parables. The entire writing of Daniel illustrates this standard function of the prophet’s mantle. (Term 1141)[iv]
Prophetic Treatment and Counsel – Prophetic abilities that emphasize advice, guidance, and direction. Counsel includes more than prophecy. It also encompasses prophetic treatment, healing, deliverance, impartation, instruction, and intercession, and can involve words of wisdom, knowledge, interpretation of tongues, working of miracles and the gift of prophecy. (Term 1186)[v]
Prophetic Wisdom – application of divine wisdom in predictive, revelatory, and intuitive contexts. It involves prophecy that answers human affairs, directs and guides its activities and springs from the spontaneous response of the prophetic. (Term 1196)[vi]
[i] Price, P. PH.D (2006) The Prophets Dictionary: Ultimate Guide to Supernatural Wisdom. Kensington, PA: Whitaker House Publishing
[ii] Same as above
[iii] Same as above
[iv] Same as above
[v] Same as above
[vi] Same as above
Prophetic Methods Used:
Prophetic Intelligence – The ability to gather and interpret information received of a spiritual or divine nature for the purpose of decoding its communication and extracting its association, relevancy, and accuracy to a particular earthly target. The objective is to determine the appropriate strategic or tactical response to the information transmitted. (page 44)[i]
Prophecy Diagnostics– a systemized way of studying prophetic data and the circumstances surrounding the reason for the divine transmission. It essentially pinpoints the originating and operative sources to determine cause and effect, and to discover what to do with them next. Diagnostics allow prophets to discover, troubleshoot, and confirm: what something is, how it works, its present state or condition, how things got to be the way they are and how they should be addressed. Prophetic diagnostics also provides planned tasks or responses meant to schematize a situation’s development, execution, and monitorship. (Page 96)[ii]
Prophecy Analysis – This skill involves a prophet’s ability to dissect and decode a prophetic message, riddle, or enigma. It measures and evaluates the message’s accuracy, validity, integrity, and credibility. Analysis also differentiates between what is and what is not prophecy and helps the prophet precisely identify the type of spiritual communication received. (Portfolio page 43)[iii]
Research and Examination– A method of preliminary data gathering for the purpose of prophetic interrogation or investigation of the spiritual world to receive Godly insight and wisdom on a particular matter.
[i] Price, T. (2013) Crafting the Professional Prophet (Unpublished Dissertation) Kingdom Embassy University, Tulsa, OK
[ii] Price, Paula PH.D (2012) Prophecy Diagnostics (Unpublished Manuscript) ©Paula Price, Tulsa, OK
[iii] Price, T. (2013) Crafting the Professional Prophet (Unpublished Dissertation) Kingdom Embassy University, Tulsa, OK
Prophecy Modes:
Predictive – To foretell future events or outcomes in advance.[i]
Revelatory – The prophetic unveiling of the truth of God’s mind, will and emotions on a particular matter.[ii]
[i] Price. P. PH.D (2003) Types and Elements Course (Course of Study) Kingdom Embassy University, Tulsa, OK
[ii] Same as above
What are Biblical Prophetics?
The Bible from beginning to end refers to prophets and prophecy. Every time you read “God said, the Lord spoke, thus says the Lord”, etc. you are being brought into the sphere of prophecy. That is how it began in scripture and it is the most enduring way God sees that He is heard in the world by its successive generations. Even though the Holy Spirit can and does speak within the spirit of all the saints He indwells, His being heard consistently, accurately, and intelligibly by His people is unlikely for a myriad of routine and unexpected reasons.
People are subject to many frailties that hinder their inward ability to hear God’s words responsibly and correctly. Any number of situations can affect their ability to do so, which is why the Lord ordained prophets to serve Him throughout time. The divine communicant is constructed to hear the Lord and to articulate what He says according to His heart and intent, something people are often unable to do because their mental predisposition interprets what God says their way. Hence, the value of prophecy is perpetually established by the Lord as an unending medium of divine communication between Himself and His creaturehood.
The entire concept of prophecy and prophets rests on God’s need to say, do, initiate, control something, or otherwise intervene in human affairs. To do so from His throne in heaven, He devised a means of reaching people by speaking through others. We call this His media of divine communication. There is a book on this subject all prophets should read to grasp better the nature and scope of their prophetic objectives. It is entitled, “God’s Divine Communications Media” by Dr. Paula A. Price.[i]
[i] P. Price, PH.D () Prophetic Company Service Manual (Unpublished Manuscript) ©Paula Price, Tulsa, OK
What is Organizational Prophetics?
Prophetic activity is designated by God to build, establish, support, enforce, or achieve the vision and mission of an organization. Organizational prophets are bona fide prophets of the Lord Jesus Christ who are assigned to carry out the functions and responsibilities of the prophet’s office in an organization, Christian or not.
What is a Prophetic Company?
A Prophetic Company (or Spiritual Advocacy Group) is a community of prophets[1] who are members of a local church body or other organization whose primary purpose is to provide prophetic treatment[2], supernatural service, prophecy, and revelatory oversight to its membership or constituents. These activities include special high-level spiritual coverage to its founders and leaders from prediction, to revelation, to wisdom to counsel. It extends to prayer, intercession, intervention, mediation, intermediations, and so forth.[i]
[1] Prophets, apostles, seers, psalmists, and other spiritual ministrants.
[2] As used in James 1:17, this word is what the medical field exclusively appropriated to means ‘dose.’ It summarily means to ‘treat with an agent’. A measured treatment or giving of something in a prescribed quantity at the prescribed time.
[i] Same as above
What Prophetic Companies Do
The well-trained well-managed Prophetic Company (Spiritual Advocacy Group) can prove to be a quality asset to any organization’s ministry team. At face value, this makes it strong necessity and not only a privileged luxury, or vice versa in the typical Christian organization. The typical Prophetic Company intercedes and intervenes with God’s spiritual authority on behalf of their organizations and its leadership.
Resident Prophets or Divine Communicants, or Spiritual Advocates[1] see to the organization’s economic adequacy, stability, integrity, and multi-dimensional prosperity. In addition, such groups pray for the whole organization, consult with and cover leaders, and participate in all major, significant, or organization functions. To assure their success, they are given intense training that involves prolific reading, scrutinous research, extensive study, and blended practice and apprenticeship. [i]
[1] To encompass the full spectrum of supernal coverage and shielding.
[i] Same as above
Scriptural Foundations
Scripture is full of examples of personal prophecy to individuals, families, and nations. From God’s prophecy to Adam that he would surely die in the day that he ate from the forbidden tree, to the book of Revelation’s end of the age, prophecy reigns. Creation, future leaders, and answered prayer all started with prophecy. It is the single medium that keeps the Almighty in touch with His creaturehood and God in control. Jesus reiterates how He came to earth according to the prophecies made concerning Him, Psalm 40:7 and Hebrews 10:7.
The purpose of prophecy is to bring God’s eternal word to pass on time as stressed in scripture at least 55 times. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says the Lord put eternity in our hearts, why? To lead us throughout life. Job 33:14-16 adds He sealed our work in our hands for us to seek His plans for our lives because as Acts 15:18 declares, God has known from eternity all of His works.
Prophecy answers our unknowns. Psalm 139:16 says He wrote a book for every life that He made, and recorded every life before it began. Genesis 5:1’s book of Adam’s generations and Matthew 1:1’s book of Christ’s generation suggest this. See Prophet’s Dictionary under their headings.
True prophecy is not empty word prayed by gifted persons saying what they see. It taps into Creator God’s library and sees a page or chapter of a person’s life book written long before time began. God permits and perpetuates prophecy to steer our lives to His eternal existence and to flourish and refine us along the way. [i]
[i] Price, Paula PH.D (2006) Personal Prophecy. CBN Online.
What Ancient Prophets Did
Prophets historically counseled leaders, guided their personal and business actions, pre-informing[1] and counseling them on spiritual and national affairs. Because human beliefs shape public and professional behavior, they in turn shapes business. Today’s leaders call upon spiritual strategists and divine communicators to exercise (or exert) their spiritual authority to give them the added advantage of supernatural power so their ventures succeed. They do this because of the prophet’s particular influence with God. In this capacity, spiritual advocates function as intercessors, interveners, spiritual guardians, and warriors forcefully propelling God’s will forward on earth. Add to this that everyone wants tomorrow’s answers today, and prophets’, indeed all divine communicants’ value to modern society and involvement in human affairs on behalf of kingdom leaders becomes indispensable.
The Christian enterprise’s devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ multiplies an entrepreneurial prophetic company’s worth since many of their secular business competitors today have their own spiritual staff wielding supernatural power and authority in the name of their deities. This fact reinforces the wisdom of engaging prophets and apostles as counterbalances to the adversarial resistance kingdom businesses normally face by any enterprise undertaken on earth[2], not the mention the spiritual obstacles traditionally thrown at whatever the Almighty and Christ set out to do in the world.
Down through history, from Samuel who founded and organized Israel’s prophets into the national watch force they became to Daniel who served as a presidential prophet under King Nebuchadnezzar and others, this institution has served as the Lord’s spiritual guard, governor, guide, and communicator. Seeing as they filled all of these roles, it stands to reason that prophets of old did more than prophesy. Their remaining duties and responsibilities validate the professional relationship we are contemplating. Ask yourself this question. When a prophet is not prophesying, what else is there for the divine messenger to do? The answer legitimizes apostolic surveillance and prophetic companies in the marketplace where highly skilled divine communicants shield and steer the Lord’s kingdom enterprises.
A force like our spiritual consultants provides kingdom advocacy[i] services and supports to marketplace enterprises because spiritual beliefs today forcefully impose themselves on modern businesses’. Subtly, they control commercial outcomes using overt and subversive means to do so, unbeknown to the average business owner. Many of them are unaware of the potent how invisible agents infuse society with arcane spirituality. They merely suffer the consequences of it through radical cultural shifts that manipulate human behaviors. In fact, many new television programs show powerful sublime tactics weakening the human will is becoming a standard practice.
Perceptive leaders, aware of this reality call upon God’s kingdom advocates to defend themselves and bolster their organizations. For Christian ventures, those advocates are Jesus’ apostles and prophets engaged to intercede and intervene in such matters, coaxing or otherwise imposing God’s predetermined will on modern societies. Potent kingdom advocates patrol the spirit realms and influence the invisible cultural devices covertly affecting contemporary businesses and their decisions. To do so, they work closely with leadership. In this capacity, kingdom advocacy such as what we propose operates as a spiritual liaison between our assigned organization and its heavenly providences, tapping into the divine allocations the Lord set aside for the work’s success. As spiritual advisors, apostles and prophets judiciously override the invisible cultural lever that commands all business decisions.
[i] arguing in favor of, or supporting something; the practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard; pleading for or supporting; work of advocating; intercession; active support of an idea or cause etc.; to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something. To speak in support of an idea or course of action: A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy; to publicly recommend or support.
Advocacy is a political process to influence public policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions, including any activity undertaken including media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning, publishing research, or conducting polls to establish and reinforce power relations. Further encompasses policy administration, agenda setting, issues identification and address, policy proposals and issues solution recommendation, public argumentation.
In addition to accountability, promotion, transparency, aspirations advocates seek to influence decision-making, moderate strategic processes, ignite change or to oversee change implementations. Lastly, it means adoption, approval, backing, defense, endorsement, espousal, patronage, sanction, sponsorship, support.
[1] To supply with information beforehand.
[2] See apostles worth and its difference from the prophet in the endnotes to this proposal.
Prophets consult leaders to give them God’s edge in personal, business, spiritual and national affairs. His edge multiplies ventures’ prospects of succeeding by defining and sculpting the vision, reaffirming leadership, reinforcing divine approval, and spiritually schematizing[i] project elements so they perform successfully. Sometimes this happens immediately, at other times it can take a while depending on the stage the project is in when prophetic intervention occurs. Therefore, nothing in this proposal suggests quick successes, magical turnarounds, or work free results based on prophetic words and counsel. Everything proposed assumes that Senior Executive and organization know that “faith without works is dead” and that prophecy only materializes God’s will for them in our earth realm according its a 24/7 clock and 365 day calendar.
All of this is to say that prophecy entwines itself within the laws of the natural world and therefore adheres to Solomon’s times and seasons for every purpose and work under the sun. Sometimes our interventions will expedite and even accelerate some outcomes. At other times, they will inseminate your enterprises’ sphere to germinate, then incubate, and overall gestate God’s word on your project. These biblical realities and spiritual protocols must be anticipated and factored into your planning and implementation strategies.
[i] To give conventional form to; formulate in regular order; to reduce to a scheme or formula; to form into or arrange in a scheme; create mentally and abstractly rather than with one’s hands; To express in or reduce to a scheme: a diagram that schematizes the creation and consumption of wealth. Onelook
Standing Advocacy GOAL
The goal of this is to forge a spiritual advocacy union where Dr. Paula Price and the N.E.A.R. Collaborative purposefully serve as a formally retained spiritual consultancy for organizations.
- In respect to the above goal, our services to organization’s aim to provide:
- Highly skilled and responsibly credentialed apostolic and prophetic consultants
- Tried and proven tools for screening kingdom advocates and divine communicants
- Highly seasoned apostolic and prophet counsel
- Applied biblical revelation
- Verifiably accurate divine communications
- God to Kingdom Ventures Spiritual intelligence
- Spiritual covering and advocacy shield
- Delivery of prophetic responses to prayer and intercession
- Intercessory and interventional outworking[1]
- Prayer and intercession that precedes the release of spiritual, consultative, and instructional information related to the organization’s vision and purposes.
[1] We believe that workless prayers only yield waterless clouds, thus we are prepared to instruct, guide or otherwise spur on the work of the prayer outcomes we receive so that spirituality takes on the appropriate materiality.
Scope of Services
Ongoing As Needed Activities
Essentially, this is what organizations may expect from Dr. Paula Price and the N.E.A.R. Collaborative In addition to the above, the spiritual advocacy group proposes works closely with senior leadership to:
- Provide divine wisdom that guides deliberations, discussion, and decisions
- Discern, identify and redress spiritual influences and confront hidden barriers
- Develop and deliver strategies that non-religiously and non-ecclesially involve the Lord in the project
- Provide spiritual intelligence from God’s world and His invisible agencies that enlightens company executive and facilitates prudent decision making
- Reveal and announce God’s future plans and apply apostolic wisdom and prophetic wit to them so the edge an organization’s apostolic/prophetic resource implies is experienced
- Exert pressure on the spiritual forces instigating various situations that avert the organization’s ventures to restrain opposing forces, advance agendas, venues, and projects and overall clear spiritual pathways for natural victories
- Engage in prayer vigils, intercessory and devotional activities alongside leadership when needed to invoke the Lord’s logos and rhema wisdom for sensible prophecies and pertinent apostleship acuity
- Petition and receive the Lord’s divine strategies, admonitions, and directives concerning proposed and active projects
- Participate in scheduled public events intercessorily, interventionally, and consultatively as requested by leadership
- Confer with leadership spiritually, prophetically, and apostolically on its professional duties, responsibilities, and actions so they coincide with its declared directions, stated objectives, goals, and ongoing developments
- Provide ongoing coaching, spiritual mentoring, and advocacy to organization leadership to keep their spiritual climate clear for sound decisions, rational judgments and bold actions
- Initiate and continue prophetic consultation with an organization’s leadership to maintain a potent open heaven over his ventures that streams constant spiritual empowerment and provisions
- Engage in daily prayer and intercession for organization leaders and members and participate in formally scheduled prayer vigils by phone or in person when practicable
- Provide ongoing apostolic and prophetic guardianship to monitor organizational projects and activities progress and performance and alert appropriate parties to concerns or inexplicable developments
- Continue spiritually propelling the organization’s vision achievement.
- Consistently diagnose and prophetically assess potential organizational risks, threats, and hindrances to the organization’s success from apostolic and prophetic vantage points
- Regularly consult on and advise approved representatives drawing on the advocate’s prophetic insights, wisdom, strategy, and articulation of spiritual data received
- Regularly report on all spiritually pertinent activities, updates, and intelligences received
- Continually track and record prayer, intercessory and prophetic outcomes, and progress
- Maintain kingdom advocacy records and data pertaining to President & CEO and Kingdom Ventures, safeguarding them to observe privacy laws and agreement
What are Biblical Prophetics?
The Bible from beginning to end makes references to prophets and prophecy. Every time you read “God said, the Lord spoke, thus says the Lord”, etc. you are being brought into the sphere of prophecy. That is how it began in scripture and it is the most enduring way God sees that He is heard in the world by its successive generations. Even though the Holy Spirit can and does speak within the spirit of all the saints He indwells, His being heard consistently, accurately, and intelligibly by His people is unlikely.
People are subject to many frailties that hinder their inward ability to hear God’s words responsibly and correctly. Any number of situations can affect their ability to do so, which is why the Lord ordained prophets to serve Him throughout time. The prophet is constructed to hear the Lord and to articulate what He says according to His heart and intent, something people are often unable to do because their mental predisposition interprets what God says their way. Hence, the value of prophecy is perpetually established by the Lord as an unending medium of divine communication between Himself and His creaturehood.
The entire concept of prophecy and prophets rests on God’s need to say, do, initiate, control something, or otherwise intervene in human affairs. To do so from His throne in heaven, He devised a means of reaching people by speaking through others. We call this His media of divine communication. There is a book on this subject that all prophets should obtain and read to grasp better the nature and scope of their prophetic objectives. It is entitled, “God’s Divine Communications Media” by Dr. Paula A. Price.[i]
[i] P. Price, PH.D () Prophetic Company Service Manual (Unpublished Manuscript) ©Paula Price, Tulsa, OK
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